Monday, April 11, 2011

April Already?!?!

Time sure has flown by since the last time that I had a chance to blog about the farm!  During March, it seems like all of a sudden time starts to speed up on the farm!  The slow days of winter all of a sudden seem to fade away as it starts getting warmer and the days stay lighter longer. 
We are busy getting ready to start planting corn in a few weeks!  I can't believe it is already that time again!  We want to plant earlier than normal this year so that we can start harvesting the corn earlier, just in case corn gets low.  With corn prices at the super high prices that they are now, it's not much fun having to buy corn if we run out!  I have been busy bush hogging old corn stalks, getting ready to start plowing any fields that need to be plowed before Dad starts planting.  Right now, he's even still out on the farm!  He is out spreading manure on our pasture fields, getting our manure spreaders ready to go into high gear this week!  We use the hog manure from our hog barns as fertilizer on our fields.  It is our way of being eco-friendly, and recycling all the nutrients that we have!  It is much better for us and the fields to be able to do this, instead of having to use commercial fertilizer.  We have to wait until this time of year to spread the manure, because it is against the law to spread when the ground is frozen.  Since Dad got the newer spreader, we now have two that we can use to spread.  According to him, tomorrow (if it isn't raining) he and I are both going to be on spreaders out in the fields! 
I am super happy that is is getting warmer outside- I can bring my 4-wheeler back out!  This is my favorite time of year, when I can take my 4-wheeler and just go for rides on the farm.  Tonight before I came home, I went down next to the river with my 4-wheeler just to ride and see what I could find.  There were lots of gorgeous purple flowers that I have never seen before that were everywhere down by the river!
I am getting ready to start ordering all my seeds for my projects this year!  I have a wishlist of all of the pumpkin seeds that I want, and the flower seeds that I am going to grow to sell at Farmer's Markets.  I am super excited to think about my pumpkin patch; even if I do have two more months before I can start planting them!